Sunday, 24 February 2013

How To Draw Comic Boobs


It is officially launched!
My latest book - all about how to draw comic books in all the various comic book styles-
This book has been a lot of fun to make and I do hope that you enjoy it and more importantly it helps you draw great boobs!

Love boobs but don’t know how to draw them?
Then this is the book for you.
Finally you will have everything you need to help draw great boobs in a comic book style. This is a must have reference for anyone that is keen on drawing boobs.
But don’t just listen to me - here’s what a few people have had to say about this book.

I have always had major trouble drawing tits. That is until I discovered this book, AWESOME!
A. Virgin

Man what a find, this book taught me everything I needed to know about drawing great boobs, but just don’t take it to school
Detention Boy

This book, man, it got me dumped by my girlfriend. All I wanted to do was practice what this book had taught me, by drawing her tits. Thanks a lot BUDDY! I don’t have a girlfriend now but I sure can draw great tits.
Angry Reject

Well let me know what you think

New Comic Book - Launching!


I am nearly finished my brand new comic book and I promise you that this is one book that you will definitely want to own, I will update you here when it is launched!
PS - this is a sneak-peek at one of the pages.

Last Few Weeks

 Apologies I haven't posted for a while, been busy working on my latest comic. I am hoping to sell lots more books this year and propel my comics to the top. So please check me out on Smashwords. I use Smashwords as they allow you as an artist full control over how to best present your work which for an artist is amazing, so many other companies try to stifle you and your artwork but not these guys they do an amazing job, so please check them out and hopefully buy one of my comics while your at it.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Hi everyone, my name is Redi25 I am a comic book artist this will be my home planet on the world wide digital universe that is the Internet.
Now a little bit about me. I left work to become a full time comic book artist. My dream came along rather suddenly when I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness (leukaemia). I have since endured years of drug treatment, chemotherapy as well as a bone marrow transplant, but still the leukaemia came back. So I seriously need to do something that would allow me to earn some money to pay the bills.My medication is also an immuno-suppressant and so this rules out working a normal job, as if anyone gets sick I will be the first to get it (It does have it’s good points)

Now the Redi nickname was given to me when I was kicked out of a mall because my eyes were so red they thought I had been punching cones all week. I didn’t know all those years ago that it was actually the leukaemia that made my eyes so red!

Anyway I will be using this blog to tell you about my comics and what inspiration that I have for making them as well as anything that fucks me off!
So please tell your friends about my website & this blog
and for fuck sake BUY SOMETHING!
