Sunday 10 November 2013

My Monday Rant

Well what a miserable day in OZ, rain, wind and so cold, but my thoughts go out to all those people affected by the typhoon in the Philippines, what a horrible mess, I hate disasters like this they really bring home the frailty of life. I also question why disasters like this are happening more and more.In my novel "Collateral Damage" -Illustrations and essays about the state of the world in the new millennium. I wrote an essay about climate change here it is;

The single most divisive subject in the new millennium has been the climate change debate (or is that debacle). The debate ranges from the ridiculous to the absurd, but rest assured the climate is changing, it is what the climate has been doing for millennia, long before we even existed.

The funniest thing about climate change has been the experts, it has seriously made everyone an expert, everyone thinks that they know what the problem is and they know how to fix it. I am sure that if you are like me, you will think that the weather is only ever relative to where I am at that particular point in time.

So I approach the climate change debate like so, let’s look at the facts, the decade just past was the hottest on record, it was hotter than the nineties, which was hotter than the eighties which was hotter than the seventies. That is a fact measurable, undeniable. You can’t argue with facts, they are what they are. So what exactly is causing this, nature or man?

This is where the debate gets laughable it is like mankind playing the fiddle while the world burns. Who cares is my answer the fact is it’s getting hotter! Do I care if it’s cars or nature? No, what I do care about is that at the end of the day we cannot keep putting so much pollution into the sky and into the earth and not expecting some sort of backlash.

There you go, it’s not only climate change that we should be worried about it’s also the amount of crap that we are slowly poisoning our planet with that is the biggest issue.

We have raped, pillaged and poisoned this earth to the point when nature will seek to balance it, because nature is and always will be about balance. We are not the sharpest crayons in the box when it comes to acting together as one human race. We forget that our sky doesn't have a border, nor do our countries we can draw up imaginary lines all over the planet, but ultimately that’s what they are imaginary lines!

When we pollute the sky, it affects the whole planet not just the country that’s polluting it. The sky doesn't end at our borders! In much the same way when we are polluting the oceans, we pollute the world’s ocean, the seas don’t end 200 nautical miles from our country. Same goes for everything we do on this planet, it will have an effect somewhere down the line.

The climate sceptics are so vocal that they seem to drown out the voices of everyone else. The most ridiculous thing about the sceptics is they are nearly all amateurs and by amateurs I mean they have no scientific training, yet they seem to be able to dissect scientific information and repackage it to suit their own agenda (where have I heard this before?)

The sceptics arguments are as ridiculous as the arguments against daylight savings time. On that note, how is this argument against daylight savings “my curtains will fade faster?” what the fuck are you serious? Let me see the sun will be up for x amount of hours full stop end of story, whether we move the clock forward or backward the sun will still be up for x amount of hours. The sun doesn't fit into our man made concept of time, never has, never will!

The climate is much the same, it doesn't fit our neat little package of what we think it should. The climate and our planet are a constantly evolving, changing, heating cooling, ice age, droughts etc. I believe it is this unpredictability that has always been a problem for the human race, but like the rest of the universe we cannot control it, we cannot make it do what we want.

The biggest mistake we can make is to think that we are not responsible, we are, by damming rivers, reclaiming land. One only has to look at the increase in earthquakes, tsunamis and natural disasters since the start of the new millennium, something must be done and I seriously doubt a carbon tax will fix this mess!

And that is my view i why we will see an increase in horrible weather conditions and while we argue it will only get worse. I apologise for putting such a damper on a Monday morning, but it is something to think about!

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