Monday, 23 December 2013

Random Monday

Well it has been one hell of week here, as usual I have left everything to the last minute (you think I would learn I mean it's Christmas it happens every year!)
Remember you gave give the gift of one of my books for Christmas. Choose from the following

The Roid Rager Issue 2 By Redi 25
Price: $0.99 USD.
Roid Rager has his membership card and he is off to the gym. Read as the Roid Rager gets a complete workout. This is the exciting issue featuring the Roid Rager in the adventure of the 'Fitness Fanatic'. See as the Roid Rager unleashes his 'Random acts of senseless violence' at the gym.

How To Draw Comic Boobs By Redi 25
Price: $2.99 USD.
Love boobs but don’t know how to draw them? Then this is the book for you. Finally you will have everything you need to help draw great boobs in a comic book style. This is a must have reference for anyone that is keen on drawing boobs.

Invasion of the Chain Smokin' Aliens By Redi 25
Price: $2.99 USD.
Invasion of The Chain Smokin' Aliens This story set in the present day and follows the misadventures of Zoc and Doc, field agents for the Alien Research Lab who are sent on a special mission back to earth. Read as they fight to keep their jobs, after a mistake by Doc means they must travel to earth and try to stay out of trouble.

The Roid Rager Issue 1 By Redi 25
Price: $0.99 USD.
Roid Rager Issue 1 Roid Rager has had enough. Hungry, he ventures into his local supermarket. Read as he creates havoc and chaos in his search for something to satisfy his cravings. This is the thrilling first issue featuring the Roid Rager in the adventure of the 'Supermarket Shopping Spree'. See as he unleashes his 'Random Acts of Senseless Violence' on the public.

Collateral Damage - Illustrations and essays about the state of the world in the new millennium. By Redi 25
Price: $2.99 USD.
Collateral Damage Illustrations and essays about the state of the world in the new millennium. Angry and jaded about the state of the world in the new millennium, I have set out to write about what has gone wrong in the world and offer advice about how we can rectify the situations we continue to face. Redi 25

Puppets Have Feelings By Redi 25
Price: $0.99 USD.
Puppets Have Feelings Read the rant of Woodboy, actor extraordinaire whose only ambition in life is to become more famous than Tom Hanks (the most hated of all puppets). He wants it all - the fame, the fortune, the glamour and more importantly the chicks!

Gothica Veronica By Redi 25
Price: $0.99 USD.
Gothica Veronica Issue 1 Gothica Veronica, having found true love at last, is happy. But Spook is suspicious that her new man isn't all that he says he is. Will Veronica come to her senses. can Spook make her see, before It's to late. Read the exciting story of Gothica Veronica & Spook in My Ex - A Gothic tale of love and romance.

Commando Bunny's Manifesto By Redi 25
Price: $1.99 USD.
Read the exciting manifesto written by rebel bunny leader Commando Bunny. Read how he outlines the existing problems that threaten his species all around the world. Then read how he intends to overcome the problems with his final solution. This is a must read for all bunnies. Viva La Bunny!

Redi 25

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Who's Boobs

    Congratulations to whoever guessed the boobs correctly for those who didn't it was?
    These boobs belong to
    that's right these awesome mounds belong to actor and Disney princess "Anne Hathaway"
    Give yourself a clap if you guessed it correctly you are a champion boob spotter, if you didn't guess, you need to try harder you loser! The picture of the actual boobs on Anne is below. Check back as I will be putting up a new Who's Boobs challenge shortly.

Monday, 16 December 2013


You can now follow me on facebook, pretty cool

Twitter - I am

    Hey everyone I am now on twitter, you can now follow all my insane ramblings, likes, dislikes and any other random thoughts I have - follow me at this link;

    Redi 25

Random Monday

Hi, I hope you guys had a great weekend, I sure did, getting the last minute shopping done. Can't say that today is good though. I forgot to take my medication (I take Sprycel see picture on left at $183 a tablet!) on the weekend and well today has been a shocker I am so tired and getting major bone aches and fatigue. I hope it gets better

Random Monday

Hi, I hope you guys had a great weekend, I sure did, getting the last minute shopping done. Can't say that today is good though. I forgot to take my medication (I take Sprycel see picture on left at $183 a tablet!) on the weekend and well today has been a shocker I am so tired and getting major bone aches and fatigue. I hope it gets better

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Random Monday

    PictureI hope everyone had a great weekend. I did. So how are you going with my new competition. 'Who's Boobs' have you had a chance to guess who owns the boobs.
    here are some hints;

    1. She is an actor
    2. She likes to go commando
    3. She was a Disney Princess

    I hope that's enough clues for you. So check out them boobs and have a go at guessing.
    Now on a more random note what is it with leaders pushing their own agendas, it annoys me so much, you are elected to represent the people not yourself! here is an excerpt from my book Collateral Damage Illustrations and essays about the state of the world in the new millennium.

    Follow The Leaders?

    What is it with politics that seems to bring out all the schemers, those manipulative horrible people that most would scorn in the everyday world, yet when it comes to politics it seems that those very traits which are abhorrent to everyday people are the very things which are held in high regard in politics.

    It seems that wheeling and dealing, underhanded deals, contra deals and exploitation are the backbone of politics. When someone is caught stealing in their workplace they face instant dismal, when someone is not doing their job properly they face dismal. 
    Yet when a politician is hired to do his job and doesn’t do it properly he is patted on the back and if it’s really bad he is just moved to a different portfolio. Since when do we reward incompetence, not in the world I live and work in? Yet it seems that it is OK in politics.
    I use the prime example of the Australian Wheat Board. Now here we have the ultimate in hypocrisy, the Australian Wheat board was paying kick backs to the Saddam Hussein regime. The very regime that they despised so much, the very regime that they wanted out of Iraq.

    Now when the foreign Minister was alerted to this fact, on several and I mean several occasions, he comes out and says he doesn’t look at all the memos. Hang on a minute, isn’t that your fucking job? So why are you still in your job, you as an elected representative of the people and you don’t read all your memos, then you don’t do your job.

    I’m sorry but I think that you owe it to the very people who elected you to resign, I mean after all if you can’t read all your memo’s your not doing your job so step aside and let some one who maybe sees representing the people as an honour and will read all the memos.
    This is the major problem with all elected leaders, once in power after being elected they very rarely represent the very people who put them in power, instead they seem to push their own agendas. 
    It is an insult to the democratic process when elected leaders can take it upon themselves to do as they please. I mean in all honesty did Americans really truly want to go to war. I do believe it was there president who decided. Clearly something needs to be done. In the case of the war in Iraq, everything that the American Government said to justify a war was a lie.

    Why do we have to put up with liars? 
    Why do we? 

    I had an idea that in this day and age of mobile phones and Internet that the governments must run a poll on every policy that they plan to implement? Don’t tell me about the cost, as that is just an excuse.
    One number equals one vote. Using the database that they already have, they can then tally up the votes (they seem to be able to do it on American Idol). Then and only then can the policy be implemented? 

    This way every government is then truly representing the people. That way they don’t get 4 years of being able to do as they please. Bring on full accountability, maybe then we might see less wars being waged and governments truly representing the people.

    Apologies for the politics on a Monday but it seems that more and more governments can do whatever the FUCK they like, right now we have a media blackout on asylum seekers in OZ, how fucked up is that!
    Redi 25

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Who's Boobs?

    Now in honour of my book "How To Draw Comic Boobs"
    I will be running a competition called "who's boobs"?
    The first person to correctly identify the boobs will win a free signed picture from my Fine Art collection - your choice. 
    There will hints, do you think you can guess them?
    Redi 25

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Who's Boobs - Winner

    Drum roll
    These boobs belong to
    That's right these awesome mounds belong to Victoria Secret Angel "Miranda"
    Give yourself a clap if you guessed it correctly you are a champion boob spotter, if you didn't guess, you need to try harder you loser! The picture of the actual boobs on Miranda is below. Check back as I will be putting up a new Who's Boobs challenge shortly.

    This is who the boobs belong to!
    "Miranda Kerr"
    I am pretty sure my clues gave it away.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Who's Boobs?

    It looks as though I will need to give you a few hints
    1. I am an Angel
    2. I am from OZ
    3. I was married until recently

    Hope this helps?
    Redi 25

Monday, 25 November 2013

Who's Boobs!

    Hello, I hope you have had a great weekend, mine was super busy. I have been working away on getting Satan's Bitch into digital format as well as finishing my first novel - stay tuned for that.
    Now in honour of my book "How To Draw Comic Boobs" selling heaps (thank you guys so much, every cent helps an artist with leukemia out).
    I will be running a competition called "who's boobs"?
    The first person to correctly identify the boobs will win a free signed picture from my Fine Art collection - your choice. There will be no hints, do you think you can guess them?
    Redi 25

Sunday, 17 November 2013

My Monday Rant

Well, it is another miserable and wet day in the land of OZ. I have had a horrible weekend. The storm on friday night was so bad it flooded my roof.I had water coming in the lounge room so I have been without lights for three days.It sucks but at least I still have a house and my thoughts go out to those in the Philippines who don't even have a house.
Once again I think something has gone wrong with our weather about three weeks ago we had major bushfires in NSW, burning out of control and now we have flooding and major storms.I have always believed that nature is and always will be about balance!  If we upset something (like say too much carbon dioxide and pollution, nature will unleash to restore the balance, so maybe that's what is happening).
The loser award of surprise goes to Tony Abbott our idiot prime minister (it's a surprise because just when you think people can't get any dumber someone will always surprise you). For his quote on reducing carbon emissions.
"It's a so-called market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no-one".
wow, so basically if you can't see it, it doesn't exist, so Mr Abbott - stop breathing that invisible air.
Redi 25

Sunday, 10 November 2013

My Monday Rant

Well what a miserable day in OZ, rain, wind and so cold, but my thoughts go out to all those people affected by the typhoon in the Philippines, what a horrible mess, I hate disasters like this they really bring home the frailty of life. I also question why disasters like this are happening more and more.In my novel "Collateral Damage" -Illustrations and essays about the state of the world in the new millennium. I wrote an essay about climate change here it is;

The single most divisive subject in the new millennium has been the climate change debate (or is that debacle). The debate ranges from the ridiculous to the absurd, but rest assured the climate is changing, it is what the climate has been doing for millennia, long before we even existed.

The funniest thing about climate change has been the experts, it has seriously made everyone an expert, everyone thinks that they know what the problem is and they know how to fix it. I am sure that if you are like me, you will think that the weather is only ever relative to where I am at that particular point in time.

So I approach the climate change debate like so, let’s look at the facts, the decade just past was the hottest on record, it was hotter than the nineties, which was hotter than the eighties which was hotter than the seventies. That is a fact measurable, undeniable. You can’t argue with facts, they are what they are. So what exactly is causing this, nature or man?

This is where the debate gets laughable it is like mankind playing the fiddle while the world burns. Who cares is my answer the fact is it’s getting hotter! Do I care if it’s cars or nature? No, what I do care about is that at the end of the day we cannot keep putting so much pollution into the sky and into the earth and not expecting some sort of backlash.

There you go, it’s not only climate change that we should be worried about it’s also the amount of crap that we are slowly poisoning our planet with that is the biggest issue.

We have raped, pillaged and poisoned this earth to the point when nature will seek to balance it, because nature is and always will be about balance. We are not the sharpest crayons in the box when it comes to acting together as one human race. We forget that our sky doesn't have a border, nor do our countries we can draw up imaginary lines all over the planet, but ultimately that’s what they are imaginary lines!

When we pollute the sky, it affects the whole planet not just the country that’s polluting it. The sky doesn't end at our borders! In much the same way when we are polluting the oceans, we pollute the world’s ocean, the seas don’t end 200 nautical miles from our country. Same goes for everything we do on this planet, it will have an effect somewhere down the line.

The climate sceptics are so vocal that they seem to drown out the voices of everyone else. The most ridiculous thing about the sceptics is they are nearly all amateurs and by amateurs I mean they have no scientific training, yet they seem to be able to dissect scientific information and repackage it to suit their own agenda (where have I heard this before?)

The sceptics arguments are as ridiculous as the arguments against daylight savings time. On that note, how is this argument against daylight savings “my curtains will fade faster?” what the fuck are you serious? Let me see the sun will be up for x amount of hours full stop end of story, whether we move the clock forward or backward the sun will still be up for x amount of hours. The sun doesn't fit into our man made concept of time, never has, never will!

The climate is much the same, it doesn't fit our neat little package of what we think it should. The climate and our planet are a constantly evolving, changing, heating cooling, ice age, droughts etc. I believe it is this unpredictability that has always been a problem for the human race, but like the rest of the universe we cannot control it, we cannot make it do what we want.

The biggest mistake we can make is to think that we are not responsible, we are, by damming rivers, reclaiming land. One only has to look at the increase in earthquakes, tsunamis and natural disasters since the start of the new millennium, something must be done and I seriously doubt a carbon tax will fix this mess!

And that is my view i why we will see an increase in horrible weather conditions and while we argue it will only get worse. I apologise for putting such a damper on a Monday morning, but it is something to think about!

Monday, 4 November 2013

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

    Picture"Remember, remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder plot and treason, I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot"

    This is the famous rhyme that this day is best remembered for, To me this day should be an international holiday in every country of the world, for it serves as a reminder that true power does not rest with the government or the politicians but with we the people!

    Yes it is the people of every nation on our beautiful blue planet who hold the power and a day like today should remind the governments to be very careful, least we the people decide we have had enough! 

    I am including an excerpt from my book "Collateral Damage" for your reading pleasure, it seems fitting on a day like today;
    gov·ern·ment [guhv-ern-muhnt, ‐er-muhnt] noun
    1.the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilised society.
    2. the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed: monarchical government; episcopal government.
    3. the governing body of persons in a state, community, etc.; administration.
    4. a branch or service of the supreme authority of a state or nation, taken as representing the whole: a dam built by the government.
    5. (in some parliamentary systems, as that of the United Kingdom)
    a. the particular group of persons forming the cabinet at any given time: The Prime Minister has formed a new government.
    b. the parliament along with the cabinet: The government has fallen.
    The meaning taken from the
    The word government is taken from the Latin word gubernare, meaning "to govern" or "to manage".
    Now our governments are elected by us to manage us yet it seems that more and more governments are treating us with absolute contempt. It seems that once elected they don't have any accountability to us. Nowhere is this more apparent then in the financial management of our countries, which includes all the taxes that you and I pay.
    The last part of the decade has seen an amazing turn of events. Governments have been or are going bankrupt, Iceland, Greece, Spain and Italy to name a few. So how the fuck did that happen. All your income taxes your goods and services taxes, value added taxes and all the other taxes you pay all that money and what. What the hell did the government do with it all?
    As I look around a see schools struggling, hospitals choked, roads are a joke so where is all this money going? If your government is like mine and I suspect it is there is no accountability at all. This is my single biggest concern!
    I am required by law to declare my income, pay all my taxes, rates and GST/VAT. I have to basically tell the government about every single cent that I earn and every single cent I spend. I have to do this every year and if I don't I will face major fines.
    Well how about the government stops this hypocrisy and tells me exactly where my and every other tax payers money goes. No I don't mean a budget they are really just speculative government spin. I mean an annual financial report! I mean a report that tells me where the government is spending my hard working tax paying dollars on. I believe that I and every other citizen has a right to know. I think it is only fair after all, we have to do it every year for the government.
    Is the government scared to show the people where it spends all our money, we know about your big government functions, your luxury cars, your overseas meetings (think holidays). It would be a real eye opener for every citizen. So why don't they tell us where all this money goes.
    I always believe that the role of the government is to serve and protect the people that's it. Look after our schools, hospitals and roads and stop wasting our tax money on dodgy investments, dodgy wars, dodgy deals with other governments and big business and start looking after the people you are actually elected to SERVE!
    I am sure that the people in Argentina, Iceland, Greece, Spain and Italy would never have been in the situations they are in now if they actually knew how much money the government makes and how much it actually spent and more importantly what it spent that money on!
    We need transparency from all governments at all levels. It should be law. Transparency is a must especially in the new millennium, as we have seen and are seeing, so many countries are at crisis levels with debt and this could have been avoided if they had declared what their revenue was (remember that the bulk of it is collected from you and I) and what they then spent that money on! 
    An annual financial report is that too much to ask for from our governments. 
    I honestly believe that government accountability for our tax money should be a right of every tax paying citizen in every country in the world. 
    We need to hold our leaders to account for every decision they make, every law they pass and so too for every cent they spend after all it's our money the government is spending and as such I should have every right to know exactly where that money is going! Tell us tell the people your people, give us the transparency that we deserve after all you are elected by us to SERVE US!

    That my friends is just one of the myriad of ways that governments hold us in contempt, let's make this Guy Fawkes day an international holiday!

    Redi 25

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Random Monday

I hope that you have had an awesome weekend. I haven't been feeling the best, I got a virus and unfortunately, when you have leukemia doctors panic, so I was rushed off to have all these tests, but I am slowly getting better, still not 100% but better than I was last Monday afternoon when I first got sick.
So I have been taking it easy, not pushing myself too much.
I was looking through my report and the most downloaded book I have is Commando Bunny's Manifesto! So cool as it's is one of my favourites so here is some pages from the book,

I hope you like the above pages (17-19) from the book and take care and have a great week.
Redi 25

Sunday, 20 October 2013

My Monday Rant

Well I hope you all had a great weekend, mine was good, lots of Tomb Raider Anniversary, some shopping, watching the All Blacks beat the Wallabies again!
But in some disturbing news out of OZ they are now banning bikie's yes, that's right to hell with innocent till proven guilty, new laws passed in Queensland mean that you can be arrested. If you ride in a group, if you wear the same colours. I mean does that mean, all sporting teams who were the same colours can now be arrested and held in prison!

OZ is slowly going to hell, thanks to do-gooder bitches in parliament. Seriously if the police actually did their fucking job and arrest the criminals not everyone else who just happens to belong to that bikie group, this is some seriously fucked up shit, so who's next? Let's arrest all the italians because they might be Mafia, that's how fuckinh absurd this is
you can read more about it here;

I actually wrote a chapter on this in my book Collateral Damage you can read the chapter here;

I touched on a topic earlier on in the book, that “the one thing that all people will succumb to is fear and intimidation”, yes fear and intimidation work. They help keep people like sheep, scared, on edge, uneasy and much easier to govern”.

Now more than ever we have a situation in which governments around the world are slowly eroding the freedoms of the people. Freedoms that were hard fought and won by us, by everyday people laying down their lives so we could all enjoy the freedoms that we have taken for granted for so long.

The war on terror gave governments around the world the excuse to enact laws that are slowly taking away our freedoms. By handing police more powers than ever before. You can now be arrested on suspicion, that’s right suspicion, you don’t even have to commit a crime these days, so much for innocent till proven guilty (the very foundation of our legal system).
Then there are the laws designed for our own protection, the ones that prohibit free speech, and the laws that take away free choice. It almost seems as if governments see us the people as idiots. The old system mind you worked just fine, you of course can’t legislate against idiots, but this doesn't seem to stop the government.

The proliferation of CCTV cameras all over the place starts to look more and more like big brother is watching and yes they are, the police really are the foot soldiers of the governments, their job is no longer to serve the community but it is to collect revenue and act as the military arm of the government hell-bent on keeping us subdued and fearful.

Free choice is now under attack, for example you only have to look at your own government to realise that in the last twenty years more laws have been passed then at any other time in the history of government.

Then there is the constant bombardment of Public Service Announcements (read propaganda?). It seems that almost every day the government is invading the air waves and television with its Public Service Announcements. I have compiled a list of the most recent government announcements in Australia alone;

Public Service Announcements;

Child Care Rebate
help with the cost of child care.

Clean Energy Future
Helping to build our clean energy future.

Clean Technology Programs
Helping to reduce emissions and invest in clean energy.

Defence Jobs
Find out more about life in the Australian Defence Force

Defence Reserves and Employer Support
Learn about the service in the Australian Defence Force Reserves

Digital Switchover
Between 2010 and 2013, analogue free-to-air TV signals are being switched off and replaced with digital only signals.

Donate Life
Becoming an organ or tissue donor,

Health Heroes
Jobs in health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school leavers.

Household Assistance Package
Helping millions of Australians with ongoing assistance and tax cuts.

Improve Your Qualifications, Secure Your Future
Help to improve your qualifications.

National Broadband Network
Learn more about how it benefit education, health and business.

National Drugs Campaign
Helping raise awareness about the harms of illicit drug use.

National Tobacco Campaign
Promoting quit attempts amongst smokers.

Paid Parental Leave
Support for working parents to spend more time at home with their new baby; and for employers to retain valuable and skilled staff.

Personal Property Securities Register
Protect your interests - by registering your security interests in assets and check if there is a claim to goods you are buying.

Repair Replace Refund
You have the right to ask for a repair, replacement or refund if goods or services you buy have problems. If it's not right, use your rights!

Swap It, Don't Stop It
Consider nutrition and physical activity swaps you can make to benefit your health. You can lose your belly without losing the things you love.

Keep safe and smart online. Resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world.

Know before you go
If you're a traveller expecting to pass through an Australian international airport or seaport, be careful about what you purchase and try to bring into Australia.

MySchool presents data on individual public hospitals and some private hospitals throughout Australia.

MyHospitals presents data on individual public hospitals and some private hospitals throughout Australia.

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline
Free, confidential information, support and counselling 24 hours a day for women, partners and families.

Smart Traveller
Register and receive up to date travel warnings

Drink and Drive
The law and penalties for drinking and driving

You will notice how all these Government Public Service Announcements seem to permeate every aspect of life, from eating to smoking, drinking, childcare, travelling, surfing the net, pregnancy, etc.

I’ll tell you what, I’d rather take my chances and live free, governments don’t worry about me I’ll be fine but please let me just live my life and stop thinking that I am someone in need of your protection! I am quite capable of making my own decisions and with that will cop the consequences of any stupid decisions I make but rest assured they will be my decisions and my choice and my freedom to make them.

It is this intrusion into every aspect of our lives that scares me. Governments have used the terrorist fear to enact changes that they would like us to believe is for our own protection, like they are somehow looking after us, but can we really trust the government? A wise man once said that it is not the people that should fear the government but the government that should fear the people.

We should be fearful, as we are handing over hard won freedom and choice and with that ultimately power to the government. This slow erosion of our freedom with every new law, hands the government greater and greater power that, rest assured they will not give up very easily!

Sorry it's alot to take in on a Monday, but I am starting think I will need to find a new country to live in! So if you have any suggestions, let me know.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

How To Draw Comic Boobs

I hope that you had an awesome weekend, I know I did. I can't believe how my book "how To Draw Comic Boobs" is doing, it is going unreal, so a huge thank you to everyone who has bought the book. I do hope that it has made you a master at drawing great boobs. 
I have added a page from the book to show you what you are missing out on if you haven't got a copy already.
I am hoping to run a how to draw comic boobs competition and the winner can pick any figure from my action figure collection. Stay tuned I will organise the competition shortly.

PS: you can buy it here

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Madame Tussauds

Hope you are well, today is holiday Monday here in OZ and I am having a relaxing day playing the Tomb Raider Trilogy on PS3 as I spend yesterday out and about and having an awesome time. Yesterday I visited Madame Tussauds wax museum. I would have to say that my favourite was Iron Man, I mean seriously who doesn't want one of these suits!
The figures are amazing so realistic it's scary I mean even down to the facial hair! It was so hands on and you were allowed to touch and get photos taken with every wax figure how cool is that, I like museums that let you touch stuff, not like the old days.I have finally reached a stage in my treatment when I can go out into crowds because my immune system has recover yeah!!
Anyway, I hope you had a great weekend. I know I did.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Commando Bunny

    It's another beautiful Monday here in my neck of the woods and today I would like to talk about one of my most popular mini comics at the moment, you guessed it - 'Commando Bunny'.
    The comics is all about one bunnies call to arms to all his rabbit brethren to fight back so that things like the images below don't happen.

    Be sure to get your copy today! It is seriously a very funny and moving comic and lots of people can't be wrong. You can buy it here.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


    I have a severe case of Mondayitis - I just can't seem to shake it off so I am going to sit in-front of the TV and watch some mind numbing-spirit crushing TV. I am exhausted I think it might be the Leukemia medication that I am one, sometimes are unreal and other days I just have absolutely no energy what so ever. It sucks heaps but I just keep telling myself that I am still here. 

    Hope you day is better than mine.
    Redi 25

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Random Monday

Well I had an awesome weekend I actually finished the last installment of the Uncharted game on PS3 - Drakes Deception. It is an awesome game I loved the whole series and I am hoping there will be a 4th game. I only played because it was such a crap weekend the weather was miserable, cold and wet so it's the perfect time to play. I also managed to link my Roid Rager series together on smashwords, how cool is that you can check it out here

Monday, 9 September 2013

Satan's Bitch


Well, it's under way big-time. The conversion of my comic Satan's Bitch to e-comic. I have scanned a page for you to see. This page is Bianca on a photo shoot. Here she get's a phone call to see if she will be going to the club tonight.
Satan's Bitch is the story of Bianca, an international supermodel.This issue sets the scene and tells of that fateful night when Bianca overdoses and 
is saved by Satan himself, but at the cost of her soul.
Find out what Bianca must now do for Satan.
I can't wait to convert it to e-comic for you guys.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Random Monday

      I trust everyone had an awesome weekend I know I did. Man that monk beer is the best beer I have ever had. It's called the Abbey of Leffe. I tried the Blonde and it was absolutely one of the best beers I have ever tasted.
      It was just so damn good. I can't believe I have not tried it before, this is seriously world class beer. Anyway given that it was Beer & Blowjob day over the weekend I had an awesome weekend. How was yours?

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

August 25th - Beer & Blowjob Day

All right it’s coming up to that time of year and once again its snuck up on us, but don't forget that August the 25th is National Beer & Blowjob Day. That's right, so remember to remind your girlfriend, wife & lover that this is the day you get to lay back smash those beers and enjoy the ultimate day for every guy, yep forget Christmas this is the day to celebrate and this year I will be getting some monk beer to drink, I can't wait!

PS: If your girlfriend, wife or lover needs reminding, be sure to buy a poster that you can proudly put on display so that it is official and they can't argue!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

How To Draw Comic Boobs - Review?


I have just found this review of my awesome book How to Draw Comic Boobs. I mean really, what the hell did you think this book was about. I mean seriously, the title of the book, I am pretty sure, tells you exactly what it is about!

Anyway here is the review that was posted at

Posted April 4, 2013
Hey this is soo stupid only guys would be this stupis to buy it
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Seriously if you don't like it, don't buy it! It's as simple as that. I don't see anything stupid in buying a book that teaches you how to draw boobs, it's all art! I mean people have been drawing boobs for as long as we have been around and anyone who wants to learn is far from stupid. I am sure that some of the greatest artists in the world who have painted boobs like this

Had to start somewhere, so don't go calling people who want to learn stupid, because in fact they are the smart ones, the ones who are wanting to learn.
Sorry but this review it just really annoyed me.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Roid Rager

Here is page 11 of the "Roid Rager - The Supermarket Shopping Spree" for your Monday morning enjoyment!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Roid Rager

Here is page 9 of the Roid Rager - 'The Supermarket Shopping Spree' for your Monday morning enjoyment!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Roid Rager Issue 2

The Roid Rager Issue 2- just added to Smashwords now you can buy it and download it. check it out here
Roid Rager Issue 2 - Roid Rager has his membership card and he is off to the gym. Read as the Roid Rager gets a complete workout. This is the exciting issue featuring the Roid Rager in the adventure of the 'Fitness Fanatic'. See as the Roid Rager unleashes his 'Random acts of senseless violence' at the gym. Please check it out he is  awesome!

Sunday, 21 July 2013